Veterans return for Argentina series
Three veterans have returned to the New Zealand women's hockey squad for next month's series against Argentina. Coach Mark Hager has named a ...
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HydroChina seals 104-MW wind deal in Argentina's La Rioja
Last week, HydroChina also inked two pacts in Argentina for projects outside the wind segment. In particular, the agreements are for infrastructure and ...
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Canada Mine Spilled Tons of Poisonous Cyanide Into Argentina River
Guillermo Caló, executive director of Barrick Gold's arm in Argentina, will give testimony on what exactly happened on the day of the incident and what ...
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Sexto, Buenos Aires, Argentina
the gentrification of Buenos Aires' tourist-trodden Palermo Viejo in
full swing, the onetime bohemian neighborhood welcomes another
serious ...
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Argentina eyed for Bloomberry casino venture
According to a Philippine Stock Exchange filing on Tuesday, Solaire de Argentina SA has recruited Oscar Alberto Ghezzi to head up an effort to ...
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Barrick's cyanide solution spill five times larger
On Tuesday, Delgado requested that Guillermo Caló, Barrick Gold Argentina's executive director, be summoned to explain what happened during the ...
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Telefonica Argentina to boost investment to ARS 8.5 bln
Telefonica de Argentina
will invest a total ARS 8.5 billion in its fixed and mobile
infrastructure and telecommunications networks this year, according
to ...
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Consulate General of Argentina
The taut thriller – directed by Natalia Meta – is set in 1980s Buenos Aires, Argentina, and involves the corruption, paranoia and secret gay lives of the ...
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ARGENTINA TRAINING CAMP: Eaglets visas ready on Monday
Nigeria's Golden Eaglets may get their entry visas to Argentina on September 28 after failing to travel on Tuesday for a pre-World Cup training ahead ...
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ANALYSIS: Argentina gets creative to rejoin the renewables race
The latest is in Argentina
with a fund that will be created from savings from oil imports, part of
a package of policy measures designed to restart the ...
viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015
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