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Live radio & text commentary, plus the best pictures & social media, as Argentina meet Australia in the second World Cup semi-final.
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Elections in Argentina, Poland and Four Other Nations: What You Need to Know
Poland, Tanzania, Guatemala, Haiti and Ivory Coast are holding
elections on Sunday. Here is a rundown of major issues and candidates
in ...
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Australia beats Argentina 2-1 in FIFA under-17 World Cup, faces nervous wait for qualification
Australia has scored a 2-1 win over Argentina at the FIFA under-17 World Cup but faces a nervous wait to find out if it has advanced to the knockout ...
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Argentina's Scioli seeks first-round presidential vote win
(Adds polling stations open, voter comments in paragraphs 1, 6, 16) By Sarah Marsh and Richard Lough SAN JUSTO, Argentina, Oct 25 Argentines ...
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The day Argentina's dream died
There was no lack of activity in the corridor connecting the Argentina dressing room with the mixed zone and the exit at the Estadio Nelson Oyarzun ...
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3 Keys to Understanding Argentina
is still sorting through the fallout of a devastating economic crisis
in 2001, when it defaulted on $100 billion in debt -- the largest
sovereign ...
lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015
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